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Blue Dreams Across the Line: When Security Guards Overstep Boundaries

Owen Valor June, 28, 2023

Many security guards are fascinated by the idea of becoming law enforcement officers, drawn by the authority, power, and prestige associated with the badge and uniform. Personal satisfaction fuels this fascination, occasionally leading to irrational and potentially dangerous behavior.

In my early years as a young entrepreneur running my own security business, I faced many challenges. During this time, a guard I'll refer to as "Ranger Rick" made a lasting impression. Rick was heavily invested in the image of enforcement, modifying his uniform and personal vehicle—a Ford Explorer—to resemble those used by police.

Rick's excitement was evident whenever he discussed his modified Explorer leading people to believe he was a law enforcement officer. Being new to the business world and pulling intense 12-hour shifts myself, I didn't initially see these signs as problematic, simply appreciating that Rick was always punctual and alert.

However, Rick's fascination began to cross over into his professional conduct, transforming his role as a security guard into something more extreme. This one incident, in particular, is burned into my memory, when a minor traffic accident occurred near his job site. Instead of sticking to his post like he should've, Rick raced to the accident scene and attempted to control the traffic. Things escalated when Rick got into an altercation with one of the people involved in the accident, and in a misguided attempt to assert authority, ended up deploying his pepper spray.

One major concern that arises from this phenomenon is the potential dangers posed when these individuals gain access to armed guard licenses. The absence of a mandatory psychological evaluation in the licensure process can exacerbate the risks, as individuals harbouring law enforcement fantasies could potentially misuse their authority in hazardous ways. This underscores the importance of choosing a reputable armed security company for your needs. Experienced and dependable companies prioritize their hiring process and ensure a strict examination of their security personnel's mindset and understanding of their roles, providing a safeguard that the licensure process may not.

This entire situation not only created significant difficulties but also led to a substantial financial settlement to avoid a lawsuit. It served as a stark reminder of the challenges tied to employing individuals with unchecked fascinations for law enforcement.

Another guard who epitomized this issue was a man we'll refer to as 'Enforcer Edgar'. Edgar was a fervent admirer of police officers. He was prone to leaving his designated location whenever law enforcement responded to a nearby incident, fueled by an eagerness to lend a hand or merely bask in their proximity. Edgar's excitement was palpable, his eyes sparking with intensity at the sight of them arriving, akin to an avid fan witnessing a beloved celebrity.

For Edgar, the validation and commendation of police officers were invaluable. When a law enforcement official thanked him for his assistance or commended his diligence, it was as if he had earned a cherished medal of honor. A radiant smile would sweep across Edgar's face.

He would glow with pride, broadcasting his accolade to anyone within earshot. For 'Enforcer Edgar', such validation from a police officer seemed to solidify his aspiration to join their ranks

Reflecting on these experiences, my business partner and I have since focused on avoiding individuals with such "cop wannabe" attitudes. We've built a team of security professionals who take pride in their work and respect the boundaries of their roles.

This underscores the need for diligence during the hiring process to avoid recruiting individuals with law enforcement fantasies. Instead, we seek trustworthy, responsible individuals who can be relied upon to protect our clients' assets. Before bringing anyone aboard, we now ask ourselves: Is this candidate likely to reinforce the stereotype or contribute to improving our industry's image?

Jeremy Dewitte, a notorious police impersonator, underscores the risks posed by such 'cop wannabes' when they have perceived authority. His actions spotlight the potential issues in the private security sector. Some individuals, unable to join the police force due to various reasons, find their way into the security industry as an alternative. Learn more about the mindset of these 'cop wannabes' and the potential risks they pose in our detailed profile.


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For years, many have been intrigued by the concept of authority and power that comes with being in law enforcement. For some, this fascination manifests in a desire to become 'cop wannabes.' This interest can range from harmless emulation to impersonating law enforcement officers, leading to potential harm and legal complications. One such infamous case is that of Jeremy Dewitte, a Florida man with a long history of impersonating law enforcement. Dewitte's actions garnered widespread attention when videos of him masquerading as a police officer and conducting 'motorcade escorts' surfaced on the internet. His audacious disregard for the law reached a point where he wore full law enforcement attire, replete with badges and a duty belt. Dewitte’s case exemplifies how an unchecked fascination can spiral into dangerous, and illegal, behavior. The motives behind these impersonations can be multifaceted. Some individuals are drawn to the respect and deference that society typically grants to law enforcement officers. Others may crave the thrill and excitement they perceive as part of the job. For some, it may stem from a deep-seated need for control or power. Understanding these motivations is crucial in curbing potential missteps. John Barrile, Ph.D., and Susan Hilal, Ph.D., studied law enforcement impersonation in a comprehensive study titled "Police Impersonators: Psychopathology, Fantasy, and Compulsion". They found that most impersonators possess a 'power/control' motive. This motive is derived from the impersonators' perception that law enforcement officers wield substantial power, leading them to mimic these roles. Impersonators often exhibit certain characteristics or traits that can be identified during a comprehensive screening process. They may demonstrate a high degree of interest in law enforcement paraphernalia and will often go to great lengths to obtain these items. Their behavior may appear extreme compared to their peers, showing excessive enthusiasm or obsession with law enforcement activities. Moreover, they might demonstrate a lack of understanding or respect for the boundaries that differentiate law enforcement officers from security personnel or ordinary citizens. This could be observed through their conversations, actions, or reactions in scenarios involving police officers. However, it's crucial to note that impersonators aren't always easily identifiable. They can be charismatic, often capable of blending into their environments seamlessly. As shown in the Dewitte case, impersonators can deceive many people, including trained law enforcement officers, for prolonged periods before their ruse is discovered. Addressing the issue of 'cop wannabes' requires a multifaceted approach. It's not just about identifying potential impersonators but also about taking proactive steps to deter such behavior. Strict policies and regulations, effective screening and hiring practices, ongoing training and development, and robust oversight mechanisms can all play significant roles in ensuring that individuals with 'cop wannabe' tendencies are either reformed or prevented from entering the security industry in the first place. While the fascination some individuals have for law enforcement is not inherently harmful, it's essential that security companies remain vigilant. Understanding the signs and addressing this issue effectively can ensure a safer and more reliable security industry. We must never lose sight of the fact that the primary purpose of security personnel is to protect and serve - not to simulate the police. Remember, each case is unique, and understanding the underlying motives of 'cop wannabes' is just as critical as recognizing their behavior. The balance lies in fostering respect for law enforcement without allowing it to cross the line into obsession and impersonation. As the saying goes, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," but in the case of law enforcement, this imitation can have serious consequences. For more insights on how we can maintain professional boundaries and standards in the security industry, check out our related post: ' Blue Dreams Across the Line: When Security Guards Overstep Boundaries .
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